Sunday, March 15, 2009

Letting Go....a little

Bebe has a special friend. We truly adore this kid, he is a good seed, trustworthy (yes, we say that without being naive) and sincerely cares for our daughter. Not only does he care for Bebe, he enjoys spending time with her little brother and sister, can't wait for Big and Little T to come home for another visit (even if he is partial to Little T) plays video games with P and even coaches his baseball team. He sat at the hospital with K and checked on her daily. Before That Day, he picked K up from school so she could ride in his truck and enjoys family outings with the Wagner gang. Bebe is a beautiful girl, inside and out. She has had a fair share of young men want to date her but has stood by her principles. I often hear from others telling me of all the worries and ways of the teenage world and I know it is hard to believe but....I have no worries here. I know my child, her heart, her commitment to Biblical principals and am blessed that at 17 she knows where she is headed.

For Valentines Day Austin gave Bebe a pair of front row tickets to the PBR event at the Austin Rodeo and Randy Rogers concert. Bless her little hillbilly heart, she thought is was the best gift ever. After That Day she was worried she wouldn't feel good enough to go. I was worried I wouldn't let her out of my sight for that long! I thought of the distance to the areana, the late hour of the concert, I wondered how many people would be drinking there, would there be a fight and would she be a victim of some senseless act? What if someone on the highway was drunk and there was.....a wreck!!

Finally, I let go and let God provide her protection.

The Lord is my light and my salvation —- whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life — of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

Although Dad vetoed the shirt, I thought she looked adorable!

Headed Out to the Rodeo and Randy Rogers concert!

They had a great time.

1 comment:

Susan Murphy Milano's Journal said...


Your blog is fantastic. It warms the spirit!

What have I been talking about?

Lake Travis

Lake Travis
The view from our fav eatery.