Friday, March 13, 2009

It is well with my soul.

Tonight we met the family involved in the accident with the girls for dinner. It was so nice to sit at dinner with the M family, talk about silly things, celebrate everyone's health and humor, and marvel at the grace of our Lord. Mr. M stated he was afraid we would be angry with him. I feared he would be angry with us. What a waste it would have been to go on that way. I see people so often nurture relationships with others who purposefully harm or neglect them simply based on their blood relation. These same people are so quick to anger or blame their brothers and sisters in Christ for mistakes. Mistakes and accidents are part of life, they lead us down the road God intends. I always tell my children that willfulness, intent, and indifference will receive punishment, however accidents are learning tools. These two cars collided but I could never be angry with Mr. M, I am thankful he was in God's plan. His quick reflexes and reaction after the accident was a blessing to my girls. His kindness and concern for our family is a testament to his good heart. He is a good man. Our girls will never have unfinished business in regards to this accident, they were able to pray with and embrace Mr. M tonight. He will always be in our family's prayers.

Those of you who know K also know how long and thick her hair is. We have tried to gently brush it, have plucked bits of glass out, and lightly washed it for her for the last two weeks. Each time we do this it hurts her, she still has healing to do. Today was her first day back at school and she went for three hours! Afterward she got a new look, easy on her and fun to boot! No more painful pulling and brushing, we cut 8 inches off of her hair. We did not photograph K while she has been recovering from her injuries but this;....this I was more than happy to photograph!

We did snap a photo of Bebe while she was recovering. She actually asked us to! She was having trouble remembering and said she wanted to know later on how she looked in the days following her wreck. I couldn't take the photo and it was up to hubby. I am posting it here not to say "before and after" but to say, our God is an awesome God! When I look at these pictures, I think of how the Lord has sustained us with His peace and provided everything we needed throughout this quick but bleak journey. God is the Great Physician, and He extends His healing hands, sometimes through people.

Thank You, Lord, for being our Shepherd, providing everything we need. And thank YOU, friends and family, for being there for us. You overwhelm us with your love! Truly we are blessed to feel God's loving and healing hands through you.

All is well.

1 comment:

Life In Oh-me-haw said...

BJ- I have just gotten a chance this morning to sit and visit some of my favorite blogs. It has been at least two weeks since I have sat still. I hope you know that I have had your family in my thoughts and prayers and have been keeping up through Dawn. I am so glad they are doing so well and they are both such beauties! And that little Pepper is such a handsome young man!!! I texted Michaels phone while ya'll were still in the hospital (I'm not sure if you got it our not) but I wanted ya'll to know I was thinking of ya'll and I am so glad the Lord protected them! We miss ya'll so much and I hope we can see you sometime soon.

What have I been talking about?

Lake Travis

Lake Travis
The view from our fav eatery.