Saturday, February 7, 2009

13 Years and Counting

Today Hubby and I celebrate 13 years of marriage. Without much sappy stuff, it has been a wonderful and graceful blessing. We know God had this marriage planned long before Hubby and I met. Here is a list of 13 things I have learned over the last 13 years:
1. Two sinks are better than one.
2. A wet towel on the bathroom floor will not change my life.
3. Sometimes it is necessary to watch John Wayne.
4. No good gossip is ever shared when men play golf.
5. Homemade soup is better than dressing up for dinner.
6. Fat fuzzy socks are perfect for snuggling.
7. Hubby thinking he is romantic, is romantic. (Even if the book ends in "for dummies")
8. Not every argument needs a winner.
9. I am not always right. (really, this took 12 years and 11 months)
10. A garage is fine without decorations.
11. He can fix the car without my input, as a matter of fact it is better that way.
12. The kids will always knock on the door.
13. Getting old(er) together is more fun than staying sexy.

"May the Lord watch over me and thee when we are absent from one another" (Genesis 31:49).


Life In Oh-me-haw said...

Congratulations on 13 years of marriage! And I'm glad you are back to blogging!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary girl! Robert and I are creaping up on 17 years. Give me a holler sometime.

What have I been talking about?

Lake Travis

Lake Travis
The view from our fav eatery.