Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Valentine

I recently traveled for work as I have had to do often since taking on this new venture. I try to limit my travel to one or two day trips and no more than two times per month. Before I leave home I make sure dinners for the days I am gone are fixed and frozen, lunches are packed in paper sacks with everything but the sandwich, clothes are picked out, socks are mated, notes to teachers are written, get the idea. No matter what I do, it doesn't change the fact that I am not home. I know I am missed. When I talk to people about my schedule I hear "How can a mom travel like that", "aren't you afraid of what you are missing" and all the judgmental rumbles of people who don't have a zipcode in "realityville" say to working mothers. One thing I do not hear is, "Don't you miss your kids, bed, husband, kitchen," etc... When I arrived home at 2:30 AM today, hubby was up waiting on me. I slept in and went in to work later this afternoon. When I got to work there was an adorable box on my desk, with an airhole in it. Inside was "Huggy Bear" pictured below and a sweet little note. Hubby ordered the bear, had my nickname tatooed on it's arm, and placed in cute little silk boxers. There was a note with my new traveling buddy and I knew I would never be lonely on the road, I could always have a piece of home with me. Yes, a Teddy Bear can be romantic to an adult.

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What have I been talking about?

Lake Travis

Lake Travis
The view from our fav eatery.